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Internet safety talks for children making the move from primary to secondary school



The transition from primary school to secondary school is a pivotal moment in a student's life. To help support this we have designed an hour workshop to prepare 6th class students for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. These workshops focus on equipping students with both practical and emotional tools to navigate the new terrain of secondary education both in person and online. By addressing the multifaceted aspects of the transition, these workshops aim to empower students to embrace the challenges of secondary school with confidence and adaptability.

Navigating the transition from Primary to Secondary School.

Topics Covered

Online safety workshops topics

Introduction to Secondary School Life

Understanding the differences between primary and secondary school environments.

Discussing new subjects, teachers, and schedules.

Making New Friends

Tips for initiating conversations and forming connections

Recognising the importance of inclusivity and kindness.


Digital Citizenship

Understanding the responsibilities and etiquette of online behaviour

Discussing the potential impact of online actions on one's reputation

(Navigating Social Media Responsibly)

Time Management and Organization

Introducing effective time management techniques for handling multiple subjects.

Organizational skills, including maintaining a planner and using school resources.


Balancing Screen Time

Promoting a healthy balance between online and offline activities.

Encouraging outdoor activities, hobbies, and non-screen-based social interactions.


Communication Skills

Effective communication both offline and online.

Recognizing the nuances of digital communication and the impact of tone.


Seeking Support

Identifying trusted adults, mentors, or school resources for support

Encouraging open communication about challenges and concerns.

Bespoke Workshop Package available upon request.

1 hour interactive session (1 hour per class)

(1 Class per Workshop)

Bridge to Secondary School Workshops

Jackie O'Regan online safety presenter

For general enquiries or to request a bepsoke workshop package, please send us a message using the form below

Jackie O'Regan online safety presenter

Brian Curtin, CBS Primary School, Ennis

“Jackie approaches such a serious topic in a way that we can all relate to. She has perfected the blend of technical information sharing and practical advice giving and does so with great humour and personality.”

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