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Online safety talks for special needs school children



In our commitment to fostering a safe and inclusive digital environment, DigiWise is proud to offer specialised Internet Safety Workshops tailored for students in special needs schools. Recognising the unique challenges faced by individuals with diverse abilities, our workshops aim to provide essential skills and knowledge to navigate the online world responsibly.

Our workshops are designed with a focus on accessibility, ensuring that the content is presented in a manner that is engaging and comprehensible for students with various needs. We cover topics such as online privacy, cybersecurity, and responsible use of social media in a way that is sensitive to the specific requirements of the special needs community.

Our experienced facilitators employ interactive and adaptive teaching methods, ensuring that each student can actively participate and benefit from the sessions. We understand the importance of creating a supportive and inclusive digital space for all, and our workshops are crafted to empower students with the tools they need to confidently and safely navigate the internet.

If your special needs school is interested in hosting our Internet Safety Workshops or if you have specific requirements or topics of emphasis, please feel free to reach out. We are dedicated to collaborating with educators and administrators to customise our programs to meet the unique needs of each special needs institution.

Empowering Digital Safety for all abilities: Tailored Internet Safety Workshops for Special Needs Schools

All sessions are tailored to the individual needs of both the school and the pupil(s).

Please contact us to discuss your requirements on 086 174 4313.

Special Needs Schools Workshops

Internet Safety Workshop Topics

For general enquiries about our Internet Safety Workshops for Special Needs Schools, please send us a message using the form below

Jackie O'Regan Online Safety Presenter Limerick

Sheila Hayes, Principal, St Joseph's National School, Clarina, Limerick

"I had the pleasure of sitting in on one of Jackie's workshops and was extremely impressed. She was funny, engaging and appropriate at all times with the children. The content of her workshops was superb and pitched at the correct level for the class"

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