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Online Safety Workshops for Secondary Schools




These workshop topics can provide teenagers with valuable insights and skills to navigate the digital world in a healthier and more responsible manner. 


Depending on the audience and the time available, we can customise and expand upon any of these topics to create engaging and informative workshops. The booking form will include a place to choose the topics you want your students to cover. 

Digital Wellbeing

Topics Covered

Internet Safety Topics

Digital Detox 101

Teaching teens the importance of taking breaks from screens, setting boundaries, and practicing mindful disconnection.

Social Media Sanity

Exploring the impact of social media on mental health and providing strategies for healthy and responsible use.

Online Identity and Privacy

Educating teens about the importance of protecting personal information and understanding the digital footprint they leave online.

Balancing Screen Time

Helping teens find a healthy balance between online and offline activities to foster physical and mental well-being.

Online Relationships and Safety

Discussing the risks and benefits of online relationships and providing tips for safe online interactions.

Digital Literacy

Enhancing teenagers' critical thinking skills to navigate the digital landscape effectively, including spotting fake news and evaluating online sources.

Gaming and Wellbeing

Addressing the potential benefits and drawbacks of gaming and providing strategies for responsible and balanced gaming.

Stress Management and Digital Devices

Teaching stress reduction techniques and how to manage stress related to digital device use.


Online Etiquette and Respect

Discussing the importance of respectful online communication and the consequences of cyberbullying and trolling.

Self-Care in the Digital Age

Exploring self-care practices that can help teens maintain their mental and emotional health while navigating the digital world.

Digital Citizenship

Discussing the responsibilities and ethical considerations associated with being a responsible digital citizen.

Positive Online Communities

Promoting the creation and maintenance of safe and supportive online communities for teens.

Parents talk (optional)

1 hour session.

Delivered in person or via ZOOM (depending on location). 

1 Day Workshop Package Starting from €500

Bespoke Workshop Package available upon request.

1 hour interactive session (1 hour per class)

(1 Class per Workshop)

Secondary School Workshops

Jackie O'Regan Online Safety Presenter

For general enquiries or to request a bepsoke workshop package, please send us a message using the form below

Internet Safety Talks Limerick

Brian Curtin, CBS Primary School, Ennis

“Jackie approaches such a serious topic in a way that we can all relate to. She has perfected the blend of technical information sharing and practical advice giving and does so with great humour and personality.”

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