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Online Safety Workshops for Primary School Children




These workshops are interactive and our presenters are highly skilled in engaging the kids in a fun and impactful way. 


Our Internet Safety Workshops provide essential education on online risks and responsible digital behaviour . These workshops equip young individuals with the knowledge to navigate the internet safely, teaching them to recognise and avoid potential threats such as cyberbullying, inappropriate content, and online predators. 

Staying Safe Online

Topics Covered

Internet Safety Workshops - Topics

Cyberbullying Prevention

Learn how to recognise and prevent cyberbullying incidents, and empower students to respond effectively to such situations.


Privacy Protection

Understand the importance of safeguarding personal information online and teach students how to protect their privacy.

Social Media Safety

Explore the effects of apps like Tik Tok and Snapchat with interactive demonstrations!

Digital Etiquette

Encourage good online manners and effective communication in the digital age.

Digital Health

Explore and understand the effects of sleep deprivation/blue light and the mental health impacts of overage games and social media. 

Online Deception

Interactive lessons on the dangers of communicating with strangers online

Internet Safety Workshops Limerick

Primary School Workshops

(1 Class per Workshop)


(Juniors - Second Class)

Designed to pack a punch in just 30 minutes! 


(Third - Sixth Class)

1 hour interactive session (1 hour per class)

1 Day Workshop Package Starting from €400

Bespoke Workshop Package available upon request.


Parents Workshop




An enriching one-hour seminar designed to equip parents with the tools and knowledge needed to navigate the digital world alongside their children. This interactive and engaging session is tailored to address the challenges of raising tech-savvy kids in today's rapidly evolving digital landscape.

Comprehensive 1 Hour Session

Dive deep into key aspects of internet safety. Extra time allocated at the end for an open Q&A session, ensuring all your queries are addressed. 


 Participate in discussions, polls, and real-life scenarios for a dynamic learning experience. Engage with practical demonstrations and case studies to enhance understanding.

Delivered via ZOOM or in-person, depending upon location.


We will provide your school with resources to help promote the workshop and inform parents about they will learn during the session. Further details provided upon confirmation of booking.


For general enquiries or to request a bepsoke workshop package, please send us a message using the form below

Online Safety Workshops for Primary School Children

Sheila Hayes, Principal, St Joseph's National School, Clarina, Limerick

"I had the pleasure of sitting in on one of Jackie's workshops and was extremely impressed. She was funny, engaging and appropriate at all times with the children. The content of her workshops was superb and pitched at the correct level for the class"

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