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In a world dominated by digital connectivity, finding balance between our online and offline lives has never been more crucial. Join us for an enlightening and insightful hour-long talk on "Digital Wellbeing in the Workplace," where we delve into the key aspects that influence our professional and personal lives in the digital age.

Don't miss this opportunity to revolutionise your approach to digital wellbeing and reshape your professional trajectory. Join us for an hour of enlightenment, exploration, and empowerment. 

Navigating the Digital Landscape for Workplace Wellbeing

Topics Covered

Internet Safety Topics

Promoting Digital Health at Work and at Home

Discover practical tips and strategies to foster a healthier relationship with technology, both in the workplace and within the comfort of your home. How is technology could be affecting our sleep and tips to cut back on screen time.

Mental Health Pressures from Social Media

Explore the impact of social media on mental health and its implications in the professional realm. Gain valuable insights into managing online interactions to safeguard mental health and create a positive digital environment.

The Ripple Effect: How Sharing Online Affects Job Opportunities

Uncover the hidden nuances of online presence and understand how your digital footprint can influence career opportunities. Learn the importance of curating our online persona to align with professional goals and aspirations.

Online Cybervetting: How it Works and What You Need to Know

Demystify the world of online cybervetting and understand how employers leverage digital information during the hiring process. Equip yourself with the knowledge to present your best self in the digital space.

AI Technology in the Workplace: Leveraging the Power Effectively

Dive into the transformative world of Artificial Intelligence and explore how it can be harnessed to enhance productivity, streamline processes, and create a more efficient work environment. Uncover practical applications of AI technology that can elevate your professional journey.


Engage in an enriching dialogue with our expert speaker during the dedicated Q&A session at the end. Get personalised advice and solutions to your queries, ensuring you leave the session with actionable insights.

Jackie O'Regan Online Safety Presenter


Typical session: 1 hour

Contact us to discuss your specific requirements


086 174 4313

For general enquiries or to request a bepsoke workshop package, please send us a message using the form below

Internet Safety Talks Limerick

Brian Curtin, CBS Primary School, Ennis

“Jackie approaches such a serious topic in a way that we can all relate to. She has perfected the blend of technical information sharing and practical advice giving and does so with great humour and personality.”

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